28 дек. 2009 г.

Do Banks do God's work?

The banks would say they perform an important social functions: they lend money and help to create wealth.The Boss of the Goldman Sachs went further in this.He said that banks were doing the God's work.He also said sorry for Goldman's role in the financial crisis.Sociologist Niggel Dodd said that bank began to invest money to gambling risks and this risks had no relations with real sector of economy.The higher the risk the higher the return but nowadays banks discover a lot of ways of diversity of risks they began to take too much risks without loosing out and they began to see risk not as a sign of effective activity but as a mone making opportunity.Risk became something what can be sold and bought.Banks began to pump economy with easy money paying not enough attention to real sector of economy.

14 дек. 2009 г.


It was very hard for me to understand exactly what presenter and Mr.Bolton speak,but I caught the main idea of the dialogue and I hope this task will be easier for me later.

Anthony Bolton Goes to China

In this reportage Anthony Bolton,one of the most legendary British investors, tells why he decided to move to China.He says that there are opportunities in China and he has been investing there already.He decided to run a fund specialized in this area before he completely start working entirely.He chosed China because he thinks that changes that take place in China will soon make China's stock market the second biggest market in the world.He also consideres that we'll soon have new economic world where power will ship away from the west to the asia.He also noticed that rating of management in China is very high and China managers are not worse than British ones and he can trust them.Also one of the attractions is that a lot of new local firms start working in China in service and manufacturing but advantage of Bolton is that he has more experience in these spheres.