4 апр. 2010 г.

I had listened podcast:"Is China exporting its unemployment?"

WASHINGTON (AFP) – The US Treasury Saturday delayed a currency report, due later this month, that could accuse China of currency manipulation.Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced the delay in a statement, saying there were better venues to advance US interests"There are a series of very important high-level meetings over the next three months that will be critical to bringing about policies that will help create a stronger, more sustainable, and more balanced global economy," he said.The United States has long-accused Beijing of manipulating the yuan's rate against the dollar, to boost Chinese exports.Some experts believe the Chinese currency is undervalued against the dollar by up to 40 percent. The United States and China's other trading partners claim that it gives the Asian giant an unfair trade advantage by making Chinese exports cheaper.Irate US lawmakers have demanded the Treasury label China a "currency manipulator."But Democratic Congressman Sandy Levin said the delay will give the administration time "to see if, in the next few months, the international community will address the causes of major global imbalances, including China's substantial undervaluing of its currency, which hurts American jobs and businesses."If the multilateral effort does not result in China's making significant changes, the administration and Congress will have no choice but to take appropriate action," he said.Speculation had been swirling that Treasury would delay the report to avoid embarrassing President Hu Jintao ahead of his visit to Washington later this month.

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